We duplicate an illustration inspired by Timeless Way of Building using our graph building workflow.
We start by creating an inventory of patterns working from top to bottom of the diagram.
- House for One Person - Long Thin House - Entrance Room - South Facing Outdoors - Flow Through Rooms - Light on Two Sides - Staircase as a Stage - Garden Growing Wild - Half-Open Wall - Built-in Seats - Greenhouse - Low Sill - Wall Membrane - Fruit Trees - Climbing Plants - Good Materials
Then we create a template we will use making these pages. For this experiment we will have a synopsis and graph leaving lots of room for enlargement.
We'll lineup patterns and then render them in larger graphs. See Lineup Viewer and press Beam Up.
This and another extractions from A Pattern Language share several patterns with each other and all of their patterns with the original work. See Patterns Together